DISC Coaching
Disc is a psychometric profiling tool that raises self-awareness by providing you with a personalised report which will inform you about all of the things you know and don't already know about yourself.
Coupled with expert life / executive coaching, this provides continual growth, development, and in some cases, life changing learning.
Whether you want to achieve;
Short, medium or long-term goals
Personal development
Leadership effectiveness
Career progression
Improved communication skills
DISC is the catalyst to help you get there faster and more effectively than on your own. DISC is a great way to develop personally, and can also transform your leadership team by providing a team dynamics report which enables exceptional experiential learning.
For £225, each person will receive the following;
A thorough online DISC assessment, a 90 minute debrief with a DISC facilitator and a full 24 page report with additional personal development exercises. Coaching available upon completion of the activities.
Assessing team dynamics works slightly different, the table below demonstrates. Cost is based on approx. 10 leaders completing, more bespoke offering is available
Click here to read more about DISC and how it can help you.